Project 1: Recipe Collection

"Kartoffelpuffer mit Apfelmus"

For 4 people you need (for the potatoe pancakes):
12 large potatoes
3 onions
ca. 8 tablespoons flour
2 eggs
   salt and pepper

You need (for the applesauce):
2 kg apples
2 tablespoons sugar
¼ liter of apple juice
  some lemon juice
  a litlle ground cinnamon

How to prepare the potatoe pancakes:
Rub potatoes on a large grater and season with plenty of salt and some pepper. Add eggs and diced onions. Sprinkle with as much flour that the potatoe mass is covered (can be more or less than 8 tablespoons). Stir everything properly. Batch-fry potato pancakes (must swim in oil), drain on paper towels.

How to prepare the applesauce:
Peel the apples and cut them into eighths, remove the seeds free. Put 2 tablespoons of sugar in a saucepan and let it melt until caramelizes (about 2 minutes). Then add apple slices and stir vigorously with reduced heat until the caramelized sugar dissolves from the pot base (about another 1-2 minutes). Then add 0.25 l of apple juice, cover it and cook until the apples are completely soft. Then mash with a potato masher. For the final consistency maybe pour in a little bit more apple juice. Finally, season with sugar, lemon juice and cinnamon to taste. 

Serve the pancakes on a plate with applesauce. You can also put some salt (careful, only a little) or sugar on top of the pancakes, just as you like and if you prefer to eat it sweet or salty.

Guten Appetit!! :) 


You need:
1 cup bulgur wheat, large grain
60 ml olive oil
1 onion, diced
1-2 tbsp tomato paste
1 lemon juice
1/2 tsp salt
1 tbsp cumin
3-4 tomatoes, diced
4-5 fresh green onions, diced
1 cup chopped parsley

How to prepare:
First put the bulgur in a large bowl and pour two cups of hot water on it (it should stay like this for 5 minutes). Meanwhile in a medium sized pot, place the onion and olive oil. Cook until the onions turn light brown. Add the salt, tomato paste, lemon juice and cumin. 
Then wash and drain the bulgur, and mix it into the pot with a wooden spoon. Cook for about 10 minutes on medium-low heat. Afterwards, cover the lid and set aside for it to cool down.

When it's cold, add the tomatoes, onions and parsley.

Guten Appetit :)))

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