Thursday, February 28, 2013

Call for Recipes - Extended Deadline 7th of March, 2013

Dear Readers,
For a while now the Rotaract Club Bremen wanted to gather all recipes the members had prepared in the years before for buffets at Christmas meetings, collar exchanges etc. After we had started the “Twin Club Experiment” with  the Rotaract Club Galatasaray in Istanbul  and have done so far three dinner challenges (=> the club in Turkey cooks a German recipe, the German club cooks a Turkish recipe - during cooking and later during dinner we connect via Skype and exchange experiences, maybe you have read about it in this blog), we decided already in July to finally do a cooking book, putting mainly recipes from both of our clubs (ok, it was a very silent announcement, but we weren't sure when we would manage to finally do it). 

We called the project  
"Cooking for Peace - The way to a Nation's Heart is through its stomach" 
and we already presented it with a poster at the Global Peace Forum in Berlin in December. 

What do we ask from you now:
This is a "Call for Recipes" :) Every Rotaract club can participate and send us a recipe. They can be traditional, modern or just really tasty ;) - important is that they're possible to cook with not only local products, but that the products can be bought in wide parts of Europe - or at least the local products can be replaced easily by something that actually can be bought somewhere else. And they have to be written in English.
We will choose the ones we like best (criteria example: Can we recook it? How easy are the ingredients to find? How difficult are the recipes?), recook them, take a picture for the book, and then the "winning" clubs fill out a questionnaire about their club and projects. We will then add their recipe, photo and info from the questionnaire into the book. The books will be sold and the money will be used to support projects like a local soup kitchen for homeless people.

For the recipes we have the following categories:
"Snacks and Starters"
"Main courses (including side dishes)"
"Desserts and Cakes"

As the cooking book shall be finalized and printed in time for EuCo in Rome, we had set the deadline for the recipes to receive on the 28th of February, so that we would have enough time in March to recook them. 

Since we have received especially in the last days so many great recipes, we would like to extend the deadline for another week to not miss any recipe, so send us your recipe until the 7th of March, 2013.

Please send all recipes to
Thank you so much!

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